Friday, May 30, 2014

stress - how about it?

Hi guys! How are you today?
I would like to focus a little bit on stress. First of all stress is a feeling we have when we react to situations that don't make us feel very good. Such situations can happen at university, at your place work or just in your private life. Stress can be short-term (like happening something immediately) and also long-term (like having private problems with your loved ones). It happens when you work too much and you don't have enough time to relax. However, the moderete level of stress can be good, while too much is dangerous. There are a lot of signs of the long-term stress, for example: panic attacks, the feeling od constant pressure, headaches, sleeping problems and even depression. So, how to keep stress under control? Managing stress is not an easy thing to do. There are some usefull tricks. First of all concentrate on the most important things. Be realistic! It means that you shouldn't try to be perfect. Get enough sleep, because it helps your body relax. What is more, treat your body well - get exercises, go for a walk or just run! You should care about your diet - the healthy dishs and enough vitamins.The last one is positive thinking... just try :)


Saturday, May 24, 2014

running the marathon

Hello again! How are you?
Today I would like to put attention to running. Nowadays it is a very popular sport. I think that a lot of people run because they just enjoy it or want to be in a good physical shape. The biggest advantage is that running helps you to control your weight, because it burns up a lot of calories. In addition it helps you fight off stress after a tiring day. The majority runners take part in long distance races. The most popular events are marathons. However, people, who are eager to start, must be well-prepared and train a lot. They must also care about their diet. The right food is very important to avoid tiredness. In my opinion, running the marathon is quite a good idea. I like running, but I do this only for pleasure. I like the feeling after the activity, when I’m so tired and I feel every single muscle. However, now I have not enough time to focus on it one hundred percent. I'm dreaming about the first place and I hope it will come true... one day :)


Wednesday, May 21, 2014

study abroad

Hello guys! How is it going? 
Today's topic is study abroad. Every year thousands of students leave the country to gain knowlegde far, far away from their homes. They think that the level of education is higher and so on. On the other hand, they just want to visit the other side of world and experience new things. I was also thinking about studying abroad. However, now when I have two faculties on my hand, it's not so easy to undertake the decision like that and just throw everything. Living and studying in another country have a lof of advantages but also disadvantages. The majority of immigrants think that the foreign land makes them native speakers in one day. It's obvious, that it's not true. Someone, who want to become a great speaker, must pay attention to learn every single day. On the other hand, learninig become faster, because foreign language is everywhere. I'm not pretty sure, if I could deal with loneliness. However, it's a great opportunity to make new friends. In addition, the cultural shock can occur and some other problems may take place. But it's a great possibility to mature and take all the responsibilities on one's own. What is more, there is no doubt that it takes a lot of money, but... nothing is impossible! To sum up, studying abroad is a reaaly good idea, which can change whole life. It can be a wonderful experience. If you don't have a possibity to studying abrod... maybe it's high time to think about living and working there? :)


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

time for coffee?

Hello, how are you?
 Today, I'm going to write you a little bit about coffee. Majority start the day with a few cups of coffee, while I definitely prefer a mag of tea :) However, that might not be such a bad thing. According to scientifics, frequent coffee drinkers, who drink two or three cups of regular coffe per day, have a 45 percent lower risk of suicide, while the ones, who drink four or more cups of coffee per day, have a 53 percent lover risk than people who don't drink it at all (for example me). The question is why. So coffee has a high percentage of caffeine and it has an anti-depressive quality, because of that we could avoid depression. However, the thing is, too much caffeine isn't necessarily better.

Are you agree? :)

Take care! 

Sunday, May 4, 2014

keep calm and run on!

Hello guys! How are you? 
Today I would like to write a little bit about running itself. As I mentioned in the previous posts, I love it! Some of us think that running is really simple, but in fact - it isn't. A lot of people make the major running mistakes. First of all - trying to run too many kilometres too soon! We want to be the best at the beginning, but it's impossible. We should take a little steps to achieve our goal. Secondly - making every run a fast run! It's quite common for beginnes to run as fast as possible. Hovewer, if you do it at top speed every time, you're going to get too tired too quickly. It means that you probably don't want to run the next day. Thirdly - getting into a rut a couple of weeks in! If you keep running that same distance at the same pace for too long, you get bored very soon. 
