Wednesday, May 14, 2014

time for coffee?

Hello, how are you?
 Today, I'm going to write you a little bit about coffee. Majority start the day with a few cups of coffee, while I definitely prefer a mag of tea :) However, that might not be such a bad thing. According to scientifics, frequent coffee drinkers, who drink two or three cups of regular coffe per day, have a 45 percent lower risk of suicide, while the ones, who drink four or more cups of coffee per day, have a 53 percent lover risk than people who don't drink it at all (for example me). The question is why. So coffee has a high percentage of caffeine and it has an anti-depressive quality, because of that we could avoid depression. However, the thing is, too much caffeine isn't necessarily better.

Are you agree? :)

Take care! 

1 comment:

  1. 'warm, delicious drug'... well, it is addictive, that's for sure. I am a coffeeholic, coffee junkie, coffee fan - you name it. I agree as to its anti-depressant qualities. Sometimes it seems that I make myself a cup of coffe not because of its taste but rather because of its smell. It simple openas up my mind and my eyes too!
    BTW: did I tell you that in your profile picture you look like Hanna Banaszak in her younger and prettiest days? I mean reaaaaly!
