Hello guys! How is it going?
Today's topic is study abroad. Every year thousands of students leave the country to gain knowlegde far, far away from their homes. They think that the level of education is higher and so on. On the other hand, they just want to visit the other side of world and experience new things. I was also thinking about studying abroad. However, now when I have two faculties on my hand, it's not so easy to undertake the decision like that and just throw everything. Living and studying in another country have a lof of advantages but also disadvantages. The majority of immigrants think that the foreign land makes them native speakers in one day. It's obvious, that it's not true. Someone, who want to become a great speaker, must pay attention to learn every single day. On the other hand, learninig become faster, because foreign language is everywhere. I'm not pretty sure, if I could deal with loneliness. However, it's a great opportunity to make new friends. In addition, the cultural shock can occur and some other problems may take place. But it's a great possibility to mature and take all the responsibilities on one's own. What is more, there is no doubt that it takes a lot of money, but... nothing is impossible! To sum up, studying abroad is a reaaly good idea, which can change whole life. It can be a wonderful experience. If you don't have a possibity to studying abrod... maybe it's high time to think about living and working there? :)